About Us

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Water is Life

Here at The Last Well, our mission was to eliminate water scarcity - ending thirst in the entire nation of Liberia.  We crossed the finish line on Novemebr 12th, 2020.  The work isn't finished.  An estimated 700M people still don't have access to clean drinking water.  Up to 35M of those may die in the next ten years from a completely preventable disease. If you would like to be part of the solution, go to www.water.cc to join a group that is committed to solving the world water problem in our generation.  

Live Passionately. Give Generously. Impact This World For Good.


Our History

The vision to eliminate water scarcity in Liberia, West Africa by the year 2020 was birthed in 2008 by young Christian adults at a church in Washington D.C. led by Todd Phillips.

They were all inspired by the movie Amazing Grace that chronicled the life of William Wilberforce who is credited with the historic feat of ending the slave trade in England.

Together, they set out to make their own history and rallied around the cause of providing a nation access to safe drinking water.

“You May Choose To Look The Other Way, But You Can Never Say Again That You Did Not Know”

– William Wilberforce

Let's End Thirst Globally In Our Generation

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501(c)(3) non-profit organization
EIN: 26-4008579
